Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Ajahn Viradhammo  Right understanding and effort  Arnprior Retreat 2005 
 2. Inez Freedman  Right Effort 3 of 4   
 3. Angie Boissevain  Effort  www.audiodharma.org 
 4. Angie Boissevain  Effort  www.audiodharma.org 
 5. the Macademia Brothers  L'effort  the Aaargh! Annual Year Three 
 6. Inez Freedman  Right Effort 3 of 4   
 7. David Ezra  Why So Much Effort?  GMBS talk 1-14-2007 
 8. Dave Conger Music  The Effort  You're The Only One Listening 
 9. Shaila Catherine  Effort Or Non-effort: What Needs To Be Done  Dharma Talks from IMSB 
 10. KingArthur.com The Farm Team  Effort  Try? 
 11. Cheryl Hylton  Right Effort 2 of 4   
 12. Shaila Catherine  Effort and Non Effort  www.audiodharma.org 
 13. Shaila Catherine  Effort and Non Effort  www.audiodharma.org 
 14. Art Jolly  Right Effort  www.audiodharma.org 
 15. Artist  Gil 061602 Effort  Album 
 16. anechoix  effort minimal   
 17. anechoix  effort minimal   
 18. Jim Bronson  Right Effort, Right Livelihood   
 19. Beat Dis  Make An Effort  Keep Still  
 20. anechoix  effort minimal   
 21. Chickenwarlord  Wasted Effort  PRC123 
 22. Yoshitaka Suzuki  Rescue Effort  Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Original Soundtrack 
 23. anechoix  effort minimal   
 24. Crack The  Making The Effort   
 25. Chris Clifford  Balance of Effort  www.audiodharma.org 
 26. Annie Nugent  2007-10/01 Right Effort, Right Relaxation  2007-09/20 IMSRC Three-Month Retreat - Part 1 http://www.dharma.org/ims 
 27. Anna Douglas  2009-08/18 What Kind of Effort  2009-08/17 SR Meditation and Yoga http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 28. Elizabeth Willis  The Tree of Personal Effort  SUNY Buffalo / Apr-9-2003  
 29. Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA  009 Persistence of Effort: The Little Engine That Sometimes Could  More Attention, Less Deficit 
 30. Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA  009 Persistence of Effort: The Little Engine That Sometimes Could  More Attention, Less Deficit 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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